

深蓝雨吉他 众星 N次浏览


4:55(Part of the game)吉他谱,香港温拿乐队演唱,韩宝仪经典老歌《爱你一万年》英文版,选用G调指法,高清弹唱图片谱。,曲谱和弹唱演示视频由深蓝雨吉他的编配提供,99吉他网推荐分享。



大笋1874:原唱是 沢田研二的 《时の过ぎゆくままに》后来黄沾填词钟镇涛翻成了粤语《让一切随风》,之后刘文正和邓丽君、伍佰等歌手翻唱成了国语《爱你一万年》,再后来温拿翻成了英文的《4:55》《让一切随风》还有国语版本的 《爱得忘了自己》,英语版 《part of the game》







‘4:55 歌词

Yes, I saw you at the station

Long distance smiles

You were leaving for the weekend

Catching the 4:55

With your new friend for the season

Another sad-eyed clown

Helping to see

That your fantasies go down

And I have to wonder to myself

Why you have to go so far

Drifting with life’s daydreams

Trying to play the star

I have still remembered when you said

"Baby now let’s get away"

And I follow you like a schoolboy

I guess that’s part of the game

Now you call me say you’re sorry

Give me long distance love

You say you’d like to see me

Maybe just for a while

And you’d meet me at the station

There on platform nine

And we’d leave for the weekend

Riding the 4:55

But I’ve played this scene too many times

To ever feel the part again

I don’t really want to fake it

I already know the end

So bye-bye Cin-Cinderella

Everything just has to change

And the midnight blues are calling

I guess that’s part of the game

But I’ve played this scene too many times

To ever feel the part again

I don’t really want to fake it

I already know the end

So bye-bye Cin-Cinderella

Everything just has to change

And the midnight blues are calling

I guess that’s part of the game

