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Monsters吉他谱  Katie Sky 抖音英文歌曲 99吉他网

        Monsters吉他谱,Katie Sky演唱的一首抖音热门英文歌曲,Monsters六线谱,C调指法精华版,女生调Capo夹一品,男生调4-5品,高音教编配制谱分享,99吉他网整理上传。

        “I see your monsters“一首最近网络上很火的英文歌《Monsters》,很多人会问《这首歌和钢铁侠有什么关系?为什么有它当BGM的视频里面都有钢铁侠,其实他们之间一点关系都没有。《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》前不久热映了,里面钢铁侠之死成为了大家津津乐道的一个悲伤的话题,然后抖音肯定不会放过这波热度,就推出了一个新特效“爱你三千遍”(复联4中Tony的女儿对他说的),然后有人就用这首歌作为bgm,视频火起来后,这首歌就被人拿来缅怀钢铁侠了。








Monsters吉他谱-1 Monsters吉他谱-2

Monsters Katie Sky歌词

I see your monsters, I see your pain.

Tell me your problems,I’ll chase them away.

I’ll be your lighthouse.

I’ll make it okay.

When I see your monsters

I’ll stand there so brave,

and chase them all away.

In the dark we, we, we,

stand apart we, we,

never see that the things we need are staring right at us.

You just want to hide, hide,

never show your smile, smile, smile.

Stand alone when you need someone

its the hardest thing of all

that you see are the bad, bad, bad memories

take your time, you’ll find it.

I see your monsters,

I see your pain.

Tell me your problems,

I’ll chase them away.

I’ll be your lighthouse.

I’ll make it okay.

When I see your monsters

I’ll stand there so brave,

and chase them all away.

I can see the sky, sky, sky,

beautiful tonight, night

when you breathe why cant you see

the clouds are in your head

I will stay there there, there, there,

no need to fear, fear,

when you need to talk it out with someone you can trust.

What you see are the bad, bad, bad memories

take your time you’ll find it.

I see your monsters,

I see your pain.

Tell me your problems,

I’ll chase them away.

I’ll be your lighthouse.

I’ll make it okay.

When I see your monsters

I’ll stand there so brave,

and chase them all away.

I’ll chase them all away

You’ve got the chance to see the light,

even in the darkest night

And I will be here like you were for me,

so just let me in.

Cause... I see your monsters,

I see your pain.

Tell me your problems,

I’ll chase them away.

I’ll be your lighthouse.

I’ll make it okay.

When I see your monsters

I’ll stand there so brave,

I see your monsters,

I see your pain.

Tell me your problems,

I’ll chase them away.

I’ll be your lighthouse.

I’ll make it okay.

When I see your monsters

I’ll stand there so brave,

and chase them all away.

