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Don’t Let the Old Man In Toby Keith吉他谱 99吉他网

        Don’t Let the Old Man In吉他谱,Toby Keith演唱的一首英文歌曲,《骡子》电影插曲。Don’t Let the Old Man In六线谱,6弦空弦请调制D,G和弦请按照谱子上的按法演奏。葛叔叔编配分享,99吉他网网站更新上传。

        前几天去看了The Mule这个电影,东木老师(不是东尼大木)用一个多小时的时间告诉了我们一个道理,什么都能买,唯独时间,是无法买到的。片尾曲响起的时候,也让我更理解了这个道理,就是这首Don’t Let the Old Man In。不剧透,但是非常推荐大家去看这部电影,不过东木导演才89岁,他还年轻。


正:克斯特伍德,人生如戏。当明白至真至爱时,什么时候都不晚。我认罪,我已泪流,听着Dot let old men in心潮澎湃。什么时候都不放弃!

GODDESS:老爷子90岁了, 还在自编自导自演做着自己热爱的事, 就光这一点, 已经帅出了天际~ 我们对这样的老克,该多一点尊敬,少一点苛求。 最喜欢一个人坐在影院靠后中间的位置, 静静地看一部耐人寻味的电影, 精简的台词,朴素的镜头语言, 寥寥无几的场景,一个让人又恨又爱的老人, 整部电影很克制,克制到最后, 突然觉得戏如人生,顿时悲从中来,泪流不止, 为厄尔悲伤,也为厄尔感到解脱... 片尾曲很好听,我坐在那里好久... 走回家的路上,一路单曲循环, 老克的电影,看一部少一部,我很珍惜。 ps:最近的夜晚,常可以看见星星,这让我感觉到幸福。—-2019.08.26



刀笔下人:我和六岁的儿子两人包场看的 他不懂我都老爷子的钦佩之情 人生易老 小时候想快快长大 现在回首往事都是回不去的从前


Don’t Let the Old Man In吉他谱 Toby Keith-1
Don’t Let the Old Man In吉他谱 Toby Keith-2

Don’t Let the Old Man In歌词

Don't Let the Old Man In - Toby Keith

Don't let the old man in

I wanna leave this alone

Can't leave it up to him

He's knocking on my door

And I knew all of my life

That someday it would end

Get up and go outside don't let the old man in

Many moons I have lived

My body's weathered and worn

Ask yourself how old you'd be

If you didn't know the day you were born

Try to love on your wife

And stay close to your friends

Toast each sundown with wine

Don't let the old man in

Many moons I have lived

My body's weathered and worn

Ask yourself how old you'd be

If you didn't know the day you were born

When he rides up on his horse

And you feel that cold bitter wind

Look out your window and smile

Don't let the old man in

Look out your window and smile

Don't let the old man in

