

SlimBoogie Lady GaGa N次浏览


Lady GaGa Million Reasons 吉他谱,完整图片谱,C调指法弹唱谱高清版,Million Reasons六线谱,Million Reasons《千万个理由》是一首抒情歌曲,Gaga返璞归真的转型之作,用最简单自然的歌声带给我们最深沉的感动。I’ve got a hundred million reasons to walk away But baby I just need one good one to stay...为你,千千万万遍,千万遍离开你的冲动,一个理由让我放弃所有。


小独角怪兽乔:多年前,霉霉还在村里,老鳖还在唱流行。后来霉霉出村了,老鳖也进爵了。现在霉霉还在唱流行,而老鳖进村了。谁都需要改变,更何况老鳖呢。鳖不可能一辈子唱流行,就像霉霉不可能一辈子唱乡村,她们需要的是我们更多的支持,所有Buy jonne on iTunes


用户46099709:《Joanne》返璞归真,没有了之前的大胆疯狂的风格,而是更深入的研究音乐的多样性。 她不叫Lady Gaga,请叫她Joanne,她想帮19岁就去世的Joanne活下去。可以想象Joanne坐在凳子上一人深情的独白,诉说着那讲不完的理由。




Million Reasons 吉他谱Million Reasons 吉他弹唱谱


Million Reasons Lady GaGa歌词

You’re giving me a million reasons to let you go

You’re giving me a million reasons to quit the show

You’re givin’ me a million reasons

Give me a million reasons

Givin’ me a million reasons

About a million reasons

If I had a highway, I would run for the hills

If you could find a dry way, I’d forever be still

But you’re giving me a million reasons

Give me a million reasons

Givin’ me a million reasons

About a million reasons

I bow down to pray

I try to make the worst seem better

Lord, show me the way

To cut through all his worn out leather

I’ve got a hundred million reasons to walk away

But baby, I just need one good one to stay

Head stuck in a cycle, I look off and I stare

It’s like that I’ve stopped breathing, but completely aware

’Cause you’re giving me a million reasons

Give me a million reasons

Givin’ me a million reasons

About a million reasons

And if you say something that you might even mean

It’s hard to even fathom which parts I should believe

’Cause you’re giving me a million reasons

Give me a million reasons

Givin’ me a million reasons

About a million reasons

I bow down to pray

I try to make the worst seem better

Lord, show me the way

To cut through all his worn out leather

I’ve got a hundred million reasons to walk away

But baby, I just need one good one to stay

Hey, ehh, ehh, eyy

Baby I’m bleedin’, bleedin’

Stay, ehh, ehhy

Can’t you give me what I’m needin’, needin’

Every heartbreak makes it hard to keep the faith

But baby, I just need one good one

Good one, good one, good one, good one, good one

When I bow down to pray

I try to make the worst seem better

Lord, show me the way

To cut through all his worn out leather

I’ve got a hundred million reasons to walk away

But baby, I just need one good one, good one

Tell me that you’ll be the good one, good one

Baby, I just need one good one to stay

