

大树音乐屋 易烊千玺 N次浏览


念想易烊千玺吉他谱 少年的你99吉他网

《念想》吉他谱,易烊千玺献唱电影《少年的你》情感曲,念想吉他弹唱和弦谱,节奏型参考图片谱标注,歌曲原调#C,选用C调,变调夹夹一品变回原调。大树音乐屋编配制谱,99吉他网吉他谱上传更新。我们生活在阴沟里,但有人依然仰望星空。花有重开日,人无再少年。希望每个少年的心中,都多一份青春的美好,少一份不堪的回忆。 99吉他网整理上传。

念想 吉他简谱


念想 歌词

易烊千玺 念想歌词

There's a letter sealed and unopened for you

All the words that I can't seem to get out in person

I'm bad with that but you know that all too well

There's a moment set aside for you

But I'll probably neglect to reach out to you again

It's harder now and you're all I've got

Whoa, caught in my own scheme

Whoa, stuck in a bad dream

Where I keep calling you but there's no answer

Just a multitude of questions left to chance

And I don't know why you keep saying things will be alright

I know these storms will come, let it rain let it pour on me

You're my umbrella in a raging sea

I won't give in to the insanity, chasing all the stars

There's a silence staring me down

If I could see you I bet I'd break in half

But there's a disconnect, I can see it's tearing us apart

There's a promise I made that I can't keep

All my regret testifies that I am

Far from flawless always reckless, can I borrow your forgiveness

I say I need some space but all we've got are

Whoa, oceans between us

Whoa, separating

And I keep calling you but there's no answer

Just a multitude of questions left to chance

And I don't know why you keep saying things will be alright

I know these storms will come, let it rain let it pour on me

You're my umbrella in a raging sea

I won't give in to the insanity, chasing all the stars

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顺时钟长大:时间没有让我忘记你,只是让我习惯了想你。 [哀伤]




