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暗示分离en吉他谱 99吉他网六线谱

《暗示分离》吉他谱,en演唱,原调A,选调G,CAPO夹二品。暗示分离六线谱,三张弹唱图片谱高清版,吴先生编配出品,99吉他网更新上传。吴老师的话:en这位新生代歌手虽然不知道真实姓名,网上有关的资料更是少之又少,但是最近有几首歌还蛮火的。其中就有这首《暗示分离》。这种以弦乐为主的流行歌曲,不像以钢琴或者吉他伴奏为主那样,节奏照扒就行,如果按照原曲扒的话,钢琴或者吉他的部分相对比较少,单一把吉他弹唱的话会略显单调。所以这版本的节奏并非完全按照原曲扒,而是根据我个人喜好来进行编配的。 99吉他网整理上传。

暗示分离 吉他简谱


暗示分离 歌词

EN 暗示分离歌词

(Stephanie Poetri)

Baby, take my hand

I want you to be my best friend

Cause you're my Iron Man

And I love you three thousand

Baby, take a chance

Cause I want this to be something

Straight out of a Hollywood movie

I see you standing there

And nothing compares

And all I can think

Is where is the ring

Cause I know you wanna ask

Scared the moment will pass

I can see it in your eyes

Just take me by surprise

And all my friends they tell me they see

You planning to get on one knee

But I want it to be out of the blue

So make sure I have no clue

When you ask

Baby, take my hand

I want you to be my best friend

Cause you're my Iron Man

And I love you three thousand

Baby, take a chance

Cause I want this to be something

Straight out of a Hollywood movie

(Jackson Wang)

I see you standing there

And I can’t help but stare

I'm ready to bring

Your wedding ring

On the day that we met

I wanted to ask

If you’d be by my side forever

And all your friends they tell you they see

Me planning to get on one knee

I’ll make sure it’s out of the blue

I promise you’ll have no clue

When I ask

Baby, take my hand

I just wanna be your best friend

Cause I'm your Iron Man

And I love you three thousand

Baby, take a chance

Cause I want this to be something

Straight out of a Hollywood movie

Pa da da da da dam

No spoilers please

Pa da da da da dam

No spoilers please

(Stephanie Poetri & Jackson Wang)

Baby, take my hand

I want you to be my best friend

Cause I'm your Iron Man

And I love you three thousand

Baby, take a chance

Cause I want this to be something

Straight out of a Hollywood movie, baby

Pa da da da da dam

No spoilers please

Pa da da da da dam

No spoilers please

Pa da da da da dam

No spoiler please

Pa da da da da dam

And I love you three thousand

暗示分离 的网友评论

恨禁:总有一天,我会为你单膝下跪你会为我穿上婚纱,I love you 3000。

QQ小T:听到王嘉尔的声音就好想有个男朋友啊,我一定会变成乖乖的可爱的女孩子~baby take my hand.




