

99吉他网 谢霆锋 N次浏览


《Without Me》吉他谱,由谢霆锋演唱的,流行弹唱吉他谱/六线谱,Without Me六线谱,C调制法,一共1张高清弹唱图片谱,采用'4/4拍子,拍速为60-80,单吉他,弹奏难度为:极简,99吉他网整理上传。

Without Me 吉他简谱

谢霆锋《Without Me》吉他谱/六线谱 吉他谱

Without Me 歌词

Season changing

Another year goes by too slow

Blurry memories

Must be getting old

Too much pot and *******

Too much crack and coke

I am waiting devastating oh

Anytime at all

Just hear this song

Any days too long

Just turn it on

With or without me holding you at all

Anytime at all

Just hear this song

Any days too long

Just turn it on

With or without me holding you at all

Take a pink one

Pick a red one Sir Devil

Give me a reason

To be standing tall

Could you wake me form misery

Don't wanna be alone

Walls are closing I am floating oh

Anytime at all

Just hear this song

Any days too long

Just turn it on

With or without me holding you at all

Anytime at all

Just hear this song

Any days too long

Just turn it on

With or without me holding you at all

Anytime at all

Just hear this song

Any days too long

Just turn it on

With or without me holding you at all

Anytime at all

Just hear this song

Any days too long

Just turn it on

With or without me holding you at all

Without Me 的网友评论

盆栽娃娃:油表在跑就代表有人 而灯一直亮着就说明不可能有人 你说这是不是不可思议啊???




小撸猫:Take a pink one--提个边框?还以为讲普式粤语~

