

捷诚吉他教室 沈以诚,Hurts N次浏览


Chaperon 沈以诚吉他谱 99吉他网

Chaperon吉他谱,Hurts让人谜一般的沉醉的英文歌曲,沈以诚翻唱版本,原调升D,选调C,变调夹夹第三品。Chaperon六线谱,两张弹唱图片谱,捷诚吉他教室编配,99吉他网整理上传.。Another Friday night 又个周五的晚上 You call me up>你在电话里呼唤我 I try to tell you you're too good for him 我尝试告诉你 你对他太好了 I guess after all this time 我猜过了这些时日 Falling for you was inevitable 爱上你在所难免。 


沈以诚 Chaperon吉他谱-1
沈以诚 Chaperon吉他谱-2



Another Friday night

You call me up on the telephone

I try to tell you you're too good for him

I guess after all this time

Falling for you was inevitable

Right now I'm worried about the state

You're in

But if you want to go home

Baby I'll be your chaperone

If you want to go home

I'll go back to my bed alone

Would you run away

If I told you I love you

Would you run away

If I told you I cared

And I just want

To be more than your friend

Would you run away

If I told you how I feel

I don't know if you remember

That night in the bar I was looking at you

Desperately tryna work out where I stand

I know right now you need

Someone like me not another lover

But when you're ready for me here I am

And if you want to go home

Baby I'll be your chaperone

If you want to go home

I'll go back to my bed alone

Would you run away

If I told you I love you

Would you run away

If I told you I cared

I just want

To be more than your friend

Would you run away

If I told you how I feel

Would you run away

Would you run away

Don't you run away




SirGala草莓颂:“我喜欢的人 身材一定要好 脸一定要可爱 皮肤一定要白 手一定要好看” 可是当我第一眼看到她的时候 “去TM的标准 就是她了”

就送到这里吧_:"喜欢上一个男孩已经跟八个人说:“你千万不要跟他说啊!”这些人口风也是真的紧 到现在都没传到那个男孩耳朵里"


醉乡摇啊摇:睡前翻书看到这句,“别拖至春天”。里尔克在1926年8月写给茨维塔耶娃的信,简洁明了。回复的是她之前的来信,说想见他。茨维塔耶娃反反复复地思量二人见面的时间地点,和见面后的表情和动作。 可这一句,“别拖至春天”,是里尔克最后的暗示,她没能懂得他。 那年深冬,他病逝。

