
eyes on me吉他谱-王菲-认证谱高清六线谱图片谱

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《eyes on me》吉他谱,由王菲演唱的,流行弹唱认证谱,eyes on me六线谱,C调制法,一共2张高清弹唱图片谱,采用'4/4拍子,拍速为60-80,单吉他,弹奏难度为:简单,99吉他网整理上传。

eyes on me 吉他简谱

eyesoneme-认证谱 吉他谱eyesoneme-认证谱 吉他谱

eyes on me 歌词

Whenever sang my songs

On the stage , on my own

Whenever said my words

Wishing they would be heard

I saw you smiling at me

Was it real or just my fantasy

You’d always be there in the corner

Of this tiny little bar

My last night here for you

samg old songs , just once more

My last night here with you ?

Maybe yes , maybe no

I kind of liked it your way

How you shyly placed your eyes on me

Oh , did you ever know ?

That I had mine on you

Darling , so there you are

With that look on your face

As if you’re never hurt

As if you’re never down

Shall I be the one for you

Who pinches you softly but sure

If frown is shown then

I will know that you are on dreamer

So let me come to you

Close as I wanted to be

Close enough for me

To feel your heart beating fast

And stay there as I whisper

How I love you peaceful eyes on me

Did you ever know

That I had mine on you

Darling , so share with me

Your love if you have enough

Your tests if you’re holding back

Or pain if that’s what it is

How can I let you know

I’m more than the dress and the voice

Just reach me out then

You will know that you’re not dreaming

Darling , so there you are

With that look on your face

As if you’re never hurt

As if you’re never down

Shall I be the one for you

Who pinches you softly but sure

If frown is shown then

I will know that you are on dreamer

eyes on me 的网友评论


DrLloyd:然后现在过了一天,我今天发现我首页推荐歌单突然里多了个什么"张若昀推荐歌单",我一脸懵比,接着长按后显示:"根据你喜欢的单曲《Eyes on me》推荐。"呵呵[可爱]



大梦一场的董二千先生_:是啊 下面还有说摇滚的 笑死了 明明是土嗨remix

